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January 10, 2008 

Jack’s word bank continues to grow with several new additions:

Hi!  (always said very excitedly. Think Jacky Chan doing a karate chop)

Yeah! (also said very excitedly.  This is exceptionally cute.  It usually follows a question such as, “Jack, do you want to eat?”)

All done


Oh no!


Hot (I’m trying to teach him to say it the Uncle Corey way: “Hot-uh”)

And, just today, I heard him say, “Mama.”  But I’m not sure he was actually saying it to me.

I’ll work on getting all of these new words on video.

November 23, 2007 

Jack all but doubled his repertoire of words today when he very clearly and succinctly said, “Bye Bye.”  Although it was more like, “Bah Bah.”  Good Job, Jack-a-roo!

Official Confirmed Spoken Jack Words:


Ber-ber (Amber)

Mo (more)

Bah-bah (bye-bye)

October 22, 2007

Jack and I are officially home! After a month of living with friends and family when our apartment flooded, we are home at last. As soon as we walked through the door, Jack started clapping and squealing! I set him down and he ran around the apartment, grabbing and touching his toys as if he was saying, “Hey, I remember you little car! Oh, and I remember you bouncy ball! I love you guys!” I think he was just as ready as I was to be home again, to have some semblance of predictability in our lives. Here are some photos of the apartment when it was getting repaired:

October 12, 2007

Jack said my name for the first time. And when I say that he said my name, I mean that he said my name. Amber. Except that it was more like Berber.

I am devastated. I have raised many children in my 30 years of life and I have been really looking forward to at least one of them calling me Mommy. Not Berber.

I believe that the reason that this happened is two-fold. First, I decided long ago (never to walk in anyone’s shadow. If I fail, if I succeed, at least I lived as I believed.) that I hate the way I sound when I talk about myself in third person to Jack so I refuse to do it. Example: “Don’t cry, Jack, Mommy’s here. Mommy’s going to make you feel all better! Mommy’s got your blanky.” Uggghhh. Second, Jack hears the three kids that I nanny call me Amber all day long, four days a week. He’s just picking up on what he hears them call me. And I swear, if he starts calling Stephanie Mommy….

So, if you ever find yourself in our company, please go out of your way to call me Mommy. Even I’m doing it now.

Mommy, out.

September 11, 2007

Jack’s official first word: “Uh Oh!”

Uttered today after dropping his spoon.

I think it’s a great indicator of what is to come in his life.

August 22, 2007

I wasn’t going to cut it. I had these aspirations of Jack having long, San Diego surf- infant hair that would be shoulder length by his third birthday. But he was looking more and more like Nick Nolte did in his mug shot every day. So, I got out my scissors and gave him his very first hair cut. Here are some photos:








August 20th, 2007

So, Jack signed his first word today. He signed “more” after I had completed an interpretive dance to Enya’s “Only Time.” Or maybe it was when he had completed his lunch and was still hungry. I can’t remember.

August 18, 2007

Jack is officially a big boy now. He got his first Big Boy Car Seat.

2 Responses

  1. He is soooo cute. It is amazing to see how much he has grown since you brought him home from the hospital. I see his pictures and it reminds me his amazing little personality

  2. Just keep calling yourself mommy and maybe Jack as well as the other kids will call you Mommy. That way you can say that 4 kids have called you mommy =)

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